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After being in the fitness world for quite some time and training others as well as my own self, one thing that I have gathered is that Motivation is self-taught. You cannot see it, touch it, smell it but yea you can feel it and experience it, only for yourself. so no matter what I write here or say to you, which I am sure you have already heard a million times from various sources if you still think that I or someone else can actually motivate you to get up and do something about your failure in losing weight or not being able to stay consistent with your fitness goals. My dear friend, you are knocking at the wrong door. The only person who can is YOU and I guess you are not even aware of that reality.

So let’s not get too philosophical about it and let me help you in the most practical way to set goals, keep them real and actually and truthfully attain them without sacrificing too much money, sleep or your favorite food.

Sounds too good to be true right? But actually self-motivation or any motivation is very simple and easy to attain if you know-how.

We usually go around the bush trying to figure out why we are lacking in self-motivation esp. when we see others few elite ones I would say go around with a halo over their head and always positive, motivated and enthusiastic about every god damn thing… Yes, me too I hate those people …

Well, I have my downs more than ups, and do feel lost and depressed many a time but I use a simple trick to come out of it, and it’s a no brainer. I leave what I cannot accomplish, I look at what I can and then make a plan and go for it. Also, I change my plans depending on the current situation or need, so never rigid.

This way I can keep myself afloat and not go down falling straight into an abyss.

There is a simple way you can achieve this enlightenment. lol

Yes, I call it the 3 big questions of goal setting.

Of course, you can use these questions for setting any goals in your life not just fitness, but for our purpose, I am going to use it only for that.

Please bear with me. Thank you!

Ta-Da, if you are one of them who wants to achieve a fitness goal and does not know how or where to begin? Then my friend you are reading the right blog. so I am going to unveil this simple 3 step motivation plan which will help you put your wants and needs and ways to get them in real life perspective and help you achieve it too provided you work at it not just pen down. So that’s a deal.

Before we begin. You may want to grab and pen and a pad to scribble on. Or do it later whatever suits you.

What are the 3 steps?

Step 1 – Write down,

what is your BIGGEST Goal in Fitness RIGHT NOW? (Be as specific and detailed as possible)

Pls don’t give broad goals of weight loss or want to stay healthy n fit or want to look good and blah blah blah!

For example, you may write “I want to lose XX amount of weight in so and so time.” Or “I want to come down to XX percentage of fat and build XX amount of muscles”. Or even “ I want to learn how to do a perfect Handstand “ everything need not be measurable you can have such skill learning goals too.Hope you are getting the drift.

Be exact as much as possible, also what you want NOW, not after 5 years or 10 years. Here we are talking about short term goals so be specific and realistic and smart.

Step 2- This is very important and a must follow after step 1.

What is the BIGGEST REASON, why you want this GOAL?

Again here if you really want to succeed in your goal, the reason has to be immensely compelling, so much so that whenever you think of it, it fills you up with the desire to get up early in the morning and work for it. You must feel excited every time you think of the reason why.

So again take time to really think through, remember guys Rome was not built in a day, it took a lot of planning, visualizing, hard work, consistency and a big reason and that’s why we still have Rome.

Makes sense ha!

So for example, “ I want to do a perfect handstand, cause it will help me boost my confidence, will help me further with my balance and strength also I will be able to inspire others and help them, in turn, to achieve what I did. So here it is very compelling as I am not just doing for myself but have also included others, which helps me stay focused and on track. This might not work for you so find something that will and stick to it.

Step 2 A- there is another part to this question.

After you figured out a WHY, you will figure out:

What is the BIGGEST PAIN or negative thing you will experience if you do not accomplish this goal?

Wow! What a spoiler, but yes a very important question and this is the reason why we fail because we never think about the pain part till we experience it.

So again think hard, what will happen if you do not achieve again make it really painful and sordid.

It has to have a deep meaning. For example, if I don’t exercise regularly, I might fall really sick maybe get cancer too or my muscles may die of atrophy and I will vegetate and die early or I won’t be able to run around with my grandchild and miss out on all the good things in life.

Will die young. So this is really morbid, but guys it’s a fact and even science says yes, u die early if you have not spent a certain amount of time doing physical activity throughout your life. I am sure none of us want to spend the last years in bed looking out of the hospital window. Now if this reason is not compelling enough to get your ass off the couch and exercise I don’t know what will.

Step 3– ok down to the last one, in Step 3 you will ask yourself:

What is the BIGGEST PLEASURE or Positive outcome you will experience if you accomplish this goal?

At last something nice to think about. Yes, reward yourself with this question. Think of everything that will be nice if you achieved your goal. All the good times you can have with your loved ones, you can go on adventures around the world, look young, and strong and flexible. Think of everything that you can possibly achieve good health and fitness.

I am sure after this you will definitely want to start your fitness journey with much more awareness and enthusiasm.

So guys hope you have been able to grasp what I am trying to convey. A good blueprint is necessary for a sound foundation. So get your whys and what’s in order, how will follow naturally.

I hope you liked reading and you can always share your own goals or experience with me. If you need any help just mail me at

Would love to hear from you.

Thanks again

God Bless