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When it comes to get rid of those love handles, there are lot of myths out there and its very confusing and frustrating when you have been trying to get rid of it  for years together and still the ugly fat sits right there , so do you give it a thought why ? What am I doing wrong?

Here I am putting out very simple do’s and don’ts that you can integrate in your workout and nutrition regime and lose few inches from your waist.


The DO’s:

  • Eat a calorie deficient food
  • Eat enough protein (0.73g per 1 pound of body weight )
  • Strength train min 2 X and max 5 X per week
  • Manage stress – Meditate , relax
  • Get enough good sleep
  • Be very very consistent ( 24/7 )



  • Don’t crash diet
  • Going on any fad diet such as water melon diet etc.
  • Using only waist trimmers or any such therapies advertised to melt fat
  • Doing 1000 of crunches
  • Try to spot reduce
  • Doing hours and hours of mind numbing cardio

“Sorry folks, there are no shortcuts to slimming your waist!”

There’s no magic pill, exercise program, or “secret supplement” that actually works.

 “The best way to shed inches off your waist is to lose body fat all around. This is achieved by eating a calorie deficit with sufficient protein, resistance training (to help retain lean body mass), managing sleep and stress, and being consistent month after month.”

You need to reduce your overall body fat percentage by dialing in your diet, eating whole foods, and ditching the junk.

There are many ways to do the above, “Eat well, train hard, and make this a lifestyle.” And remember that reducing fat in a certain area of your body isn’t possible. “There are really no exercises to reduce belly fat, unfortunately this is the age-old myth. People think they can get abs, and just abs, reducing belly fat ultimately comes down to how you eat.”


There is one little trick, however. “To create the illusion of having a narrower waist, you can also build up your back/lats,” with exercises like pull-ups, shoulder presses, and bent-over rows. To the gym we go!

Also as a bonus here are few tips to get a flat belly simple and effective:

  • Improve your posture -Slouch and your stomach pooches. Straighten up, and your tummy looks trimmer without breaking a sweat! For better posture, align your ears over your shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over knees, and knees over ankles. Keep your shoulders open like a shirt on a hanger, not one draped on a peg. Draw your navel to your spine. Not least, keep your weight even on the balls of your feet and your heels.
  • Think Total body workouts – Don’t get so into your abs that you overlook your other muscles. You’ll look better if all your core muscles are firm. That includes your glutes and back muscles.
  • Examine your diet – You can do ab exercises until the cows come home. But if you’ve got extra belly fat, your strong abs won’t show. To budge the belly fat, you have to look at what you eat and how active you are. Eat less and move more, and make good-for-you food choices. Think lean protein and veggies, not greasy burgers and fries.
  • Props are fun but optional – Stability balls and Bosu balls, straps and bands, and joining a gym can add zip to a workout. But you don’t really need any of them for stronger abs. Sneak an ab workout into your daily life. Stand straight and breathe out, while you draw your navel to your spine. Try this when you walk, stand in line at the store, or chat at a party.
  • Set Realistic Goal – Your favorite star’s or athlete’s abs are worth aiming for, but don’t expect to mimic them. Your genes may play a role in your body’s shape. That’s no excuse to give up and head for the cookie jar, of course. Set realistic goals that are focused on your body, not on some perfect image. You’ll wind up both firmer and happier.
  • Take Things Slow – Changing your midriff is a matter of slow and steady progress, not fast fixes. Your road to flat abs may even have some setbacks (hello, holiday eating!). But if you give it time and keep at it, your middle really can go from flab to fab.
  • Do Isometrics – The Holding exercises can do wonders for your midriff. Exercises such as Plank Holds, Hollow man , boat hold, Pelvic tilts. If done regularly can really help you see the difference in a short time, of course you will have to supplement it with other workouts and proper eating.