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In the light of recent events that has gripped our entire world and has left us with very little choice to live and breathe freely.

I thought this would be the best time to find a good challenge that will not only help us get out of this ongoing fear of the virus but also give us something positive and proactive to do for our mental and physical wellbeing.

So even if we cannot go out to our favorite gyms and clubs or workout in groups, we still can find simple ways to stay fit and healthy in the comforts of our own homes.

So let’s take this time, be grateful that most of us are still unaffected. And make the best use by following a healthy lifestyle.

So guys this month’s challenge will be our very own body weight SQUATS. But why Squats? You may ask? Let me explain a bit,

 The benefit of the 30-day squat challenge

With the 30 days squat challenge, no weights are involved – so for many, it’s a stepping stone towards seeing a more active lifestyle. It takes little time out of your day. It’s also not too difficult, while still being hard work. The challenge works almost every muscle in your lower body. It works for big muscle groups like the quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

This is important – it burns a lot of fat, and builds muscle, so your metabolism is boosted.

The squat also improves your core strength by strengthening the muscles around your stomach and lower back.

If you’re dreaming of a flat tummy one day, firming up these other muscles with squats is a positive first step.

People often think they just need to do ab workouts to get great abs. This is false. You need to work on everything else and the abs will come.

There are other benefits.

“If you want more power and speed in your legs, and increased resistance to injury, you should be squatting regularly. Research says.

“This exercise targets not only your glutes but your thighs and core. Follow this plan along with your typical workout (even on running or lower-body days).”

A month might seem like a long time, or it might seem like no time at all.

However long it is, it’s enough time to begin, do, and finish the 30-day squat challenge.

How to squat

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, point your toes forward, hold your chin up and brace your core
  • Hole your arms out in front of you, or by your sides – just don’t put them on your legs.
  • Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground – it’s like sitting down on an invisible chair.
  • Go as low as you can to ensure it’s a legitimate rep (without falling over!)

How to Squat Properly :👇

Here is the format for the challenge. If you need to take a breather in between sets, carry on. Just work as hard as you can, and you’ll get there.

Also, for the pros out there if you feel you need to add more grit to it then go ahead and add some weights to your squats. Be my guests!!

Numbers indicate reps:

Day 1 – 50

Day 2 – 55

Day 3 – 60

Day 4 – Rest

Day 5 – 70

Day 6 – 75

Day 7 – 80

That’s week one done. Congratulations.

Day 8 – Rest

Day 9 – 100

Day 10 – 105

Day 11 – 110

Day 12 – Rest

Day 13 – 130

Day 14 – 135

Week two done. Hurrah. You’re getting high in the numbers now.

Day 15 – 140

Day 16 – Rest

Day 17 – 150

Day 18 – 155

Day 19 – 160

Day 20 – Rest

Day 21 – 180

Three weeks of squats down. You should be seeing some real changes. And feeling good.

Day 22 – 185

Day 23 – 190

Day 24 – Rest

Day 25 – 220

Day 26 – 225

Day 27 – 230

Day 28 – Rest

Not long now…

Day 29 – 240

Day 30 – 250

Done! Again?

After the challenge, it’s good to keep going. Not with the regime proper, but with squats twice a week.

What next?

To take it to the next level, hit the gym and introduce weights. Start small. Always take guidance from your trainers. Remember form is crucial, so if on some days you find your form not keeping up with you, don’t stress, doing less with form is more important than doing higher reps with bad form. So, keep that in mind and you will stay in the game longer.

As with all exercises and fitness plans, eating the right foods should also play a key role. There’s no point doing squats if you’re going to gorge on junk food every day. Though, of course, everything in moderation is fine.

So for all you fitness enthusiasts out there I call you to challenge yourself daily with this simple exercise. Do it and feel the difference it makes to your overall wellbeing.

Also, I would like to add a few things to this list if you don’t mind😊

First of all, before getting down to squat business pls do some dynamic warmups for the lower body. You could also punch out few sets of surya namaskars, it works beautifully as a warm-up also stretching and effectively lengthening all your muscles and ligaments. But pls do it right… pasting the links below for each warmup sequence feel free to do what you like…

Surya Namaskar: 👇

Another favorite warm-up would be your indoor cycling or cross-trainer if you have one at home ., this would be the ideal time to get them to work ..or simply run around your porch or some jogging in a place .the motive is to get your body into movement and warm it up a little before you start squatting. Very important.

5 – 10 mins is all you need …

Also end it with good old stretching exercises again would provide a link or feel free to search online for some cool stretches have plenty.

Stretching: 👇

Ok another suggestion would be to add some core too …as in planks 👇

So, for advanced a 2 min plank hold with least amount of break in between and for the beginner a 20/10 sec plank hold is just right amount.

In this case 20 sec you plank and relax for 10 sec and continue for 2 mins.

Again, as with your squat challenge try and increase the reps and time of your plank … I will leave this to you.

Lastly, guys please work on your breath and soul.

5 mins daily mindful meditation can do wonders to your stress level and state of mind especially during these times of crisis.

So I would beg and plead that you start from 5mins and take it at least to 30 mins daily break it up if you like into short sessions but trust me, you will be a new person by the end of these 30 days.

And yes your pranayama practice, do just the simple anulom vilom , ujjayi , and kapal bhaati … let’s give our body a head start so it can function properly and stay fit.

Ok, this is the last thing on my list, and which is a GOOD NUTRITIOUS DIET.

Ya, you heard me right…

Guys, please eat well, this is not the time to starve or do some extreme diets… just stay moderate, eat green leafy vegetables, lots of fruits, nuts, and seeds, eat a good amount of protein, drink lots and lots of water. Supplement yourself with vitamins and minerals if you aren’t getting enough from food.  Sleep, Sleep, Sleep . And remain stress-free.

That’s all from me… thank you for reading and hope that you get motivated to start this challenge from today and also inspire others around you to do the same.