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Tips on How to Avoid Weight Gain during Holidays

Holiday weight gain is a common concern for many adults. Various seasonal holidays may encourage overeating, sedentary behavior, and consumption of calorie-rich foods. But you can keep those unwanted kilos off if you just implement these few very effective lifestyle...

The 1% WORKOUT: Your Body is All YOU NEED.

Arnold said it best: 1%. Just 1% of your day—15 minutes—can make a tremendous difference in your life, and in the lives of others.I know for some it might be hard to believe esp if you are one of the machine lovers at the gym. I understand why some people might be...

Exercise to Increase your strength and Stamina

If you are wondering how to increase stamina by exercise, then read on to know more about different exercises and the benefits that they bring to your body. One of the secrets to sustained stamina over an extended period is exercising, eating the right food, and...


Eat in a Healthy Calorie Deficit Ultimately, losing weight is all about calories in, calories out. In order to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you take in. “You have to create a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound, this can be done by...

How to Stop Wasting Time and Get More Productive.

We all start out with big dreams and create huge goals, but eventually we fall out of balance of sticking to them or sometimes don’t even get started on them, though they were our first priority while planning. The reason this happens is because we fail to plan...

Nutrition and Weight Loss

Weight gain and weight loss are mainly governed by the quality of food a person eats and the lifestyle they lead. By having a thorough understanding of the way this system works, you can master techniques of weight control and help a person achieve a reduction in...

The 31-Day Burpee Plan

The burpee is the exercise everyone loves to hate but ask any fitness professional or coach, they’ll tell you burpees are one of the most effective total-body exercises you can throw into a workout. First let me answer few of the most important questions regarding...

Reasons for Doing Body Weight Exercises Today!

Getting fit doesn’t have to be rocket-science, and simple bodyweight exercises can be a great choice for achieving gains in strength, building muscle, boosting cardiovascular fitness, and burning fat. If you don’t believe me just read on further and see for...


What is the definition of metabolism? The definition of metabolism is the organic and chemical processes inside of organisms that are necessary to maintain life, or how quickly you burn calories or fat. The chemical processes that let you stay alive are an example...