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If you look at all the successful people out there , on the surface you might wonder what do they have that we don’t , I mean are these people really like us ? or are they from some other planet ? I mean they do look like us but how is it that they get so successful in anything they put their hands into and we don’t?

But my friends if we start to dig a little deeper , I am absolutely certain that you will find that they are exactly like us …. the only difference is that they know who they are and what they want and how to get it. and the real funny part is that , what they do is not something  out of the world  , not some rocket science either … just some simple everyday little  hacks of life . actually they are not even hacks , just a way of living that’s all.

So I feel that if you and me started incorporating even few of these simple practices in our day to day lives , we too can be successful in our lives.

Below I have listed 9 top lessons from high achievers. Read On !

  1. Mark Your Destination : Know Where you want to go in Life .

The most important question ? not having a blue print of your life is like wanting to reach point A from point B but with no road ahead.

you need a life map you need it to reach your destination . so how can we know where we want to go in life .. its simple just take out some time to find out and define your destination. look within and introspect.


2. Enjoy the Journey : Don’t forget to smell the flowers on the way!

Yes having a destination mapped out is very important in order to live a full and successful life but that’s not the end itself , if we try to rush towards it we miss out on the little fun and adventures we can have on the way. so stop running hard. Remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

3. Invest in Skills : Investing in skill sets early on in your life gives a great advantage in your later years where you start reaping its benefits. so invest in yourself while you are younger , learn and do as much as you can , trust me you will thank yourself later on.



4. Eat Right : You are What you Eat – Give enough attention to what you put in your mouth . Be a mindful eater .

just by paying more attention, eating a balanced meal of nutrients . Avoiding Junk food. Reducing Salt and sugar intake . you can achieve a healthy body also try fasting sometimes to give the rest your body needs from working around the clock digesting the food you eat. it will help your body rejuvenate and keep you looking younger and fitter.

5. Did You Know ? 85% of your Brain is water ! wow! so needless to say if you want your brain to work for you and not against you ..start gulping H2O Today . At Least 2-3 liters per day .

6. Sleep is the Best Medicine : Though I always give more importance to the quality rather than the quantity of sleep. still as a guide line it is prescribed 7-8 hours daily . so even if don’t get the time or you cannot squeeze in so many hours at a stretch , don’t panic you can always catch up on your nap on weekends or when your body tells you too. so the guideline here is to listen to your body .


7. Sound Mind In a Sound Body: This one is very important and most of us neglect this part. We do not give much importance to relaxation or to exercise. understanding that we need to strike a balance between the body and mind complex in order to stay focused and creative in our day to day life. so either we are doing too much of one thing or not doing at all. so this is simple, move your body more , relax your mind more .

so Move your body as much as possible, try different options and relax your mind often through breathing exercises and meditations.

    8. Never Stop Learning : This one is my favourite , I believe in this. I have turned my life around this saying .. keep upgrading yourself, just like we have all the upgrades these days , from our phones to apps and all the electronic gadgets . We need to keep moving forward , learning , this is what the achievers are always doing , even after they reach the top they are still learning and upgrading . cause stagnation is death. Also more you learn more your grey matter will thank you and serve you better. If you want to keep your brain younger , then pick up some new skill, language, crosswords , memory games or simple start playing games …. of course exercise and nutrition plays an important role too. this is your brain workout.

9. Do something you love daily: “Figure out what you love doing and use your strengths on a daily basis” – Tom Rath

Remember at the end of it all you deserve to be happy. so find out what makes you tick , what makes you smile and do it daily , use it as a positive reinforcement when everything else seems to fall apart. Smile More and make the world a better place.

So this is it , I am sure you must find this list so simple yet so profound , but ask yourself am I doing any of it ? if yes good for you , give a pat on your back and do more and if you answer NO then its times to sit and reflect , introspect and get your dairy out and put those thoughts down. You won’t regret. that is a promise.


Stay well!


Your Wellness Coach