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6 Day bootcamp- Workout Routine

Hi below I am putting in a 6 Day circuit style bootcamp workout which you can easily complete within 30 mins you can do the workouts as per your fitness level from beginners to advanced.

Remember to warm up properly inorder to avoid any injuries. Warm up can be anything from jogging to marching in place to light aerobics . Just move your whole body as much as you can invovling all your major muscle groups.
Please note if you do not wish to put on any weight during the holidays practice moderation in food , keep a journal, change your mindset holidays is not for eating its for enjoyment with family and friends go to places, learn something new, keep yourself occupied, stay away from negative people and lastly stay happy:))
Also remember the 80/20 rule…. try to stay on track 80% of time with eating and exercise 20% of the time give you can give yourself a break;)
So here we go the workouts:

Day 1

Set 1
25 squats
15 pushups
50 jumping jacks
repeat 3 times

Set 2
15 squat thrusts
20 forward lunges alternate
20 leg lifts
repeat 3 times

1 Minute sprint
1 minute plank hold
repeat 3 times

Day 2

15 pushups
20 sit ups
10 burpees
repeat 3 times

Set 2
10 inchworms
50 high knees
20 deep squats
repeat 3 times

20 leg lifts
50 bicycle crunch
1 min plank hold
repeat 3 times

Day 3

10 push ups
30 sec jumping jacks
Repeat 10 times

Set 2
25 squats
25 alternating lunges
15 squat jumps
Repeat 3 times

Set 3
50 mountain climbers
50 sit ups
Repeat 3 times

Day 4

Set 1
Start at 10 reps per exercise and decrease one rep per set.
do 10 squats, 10 pushups, 10 sit ups
then 9 squats, 9 pushups, 9 on till you reach 1 rep each

Set 2
1 min squat hold
15 dive bombers
repeat 3 times

Set 3
20 seconds squats jumps
10 seconds rest
repeat it 8 times for 4 mins

Day 5
Set 1
20 lunge jumps
50 high knees
15 squat thrusts with push ups
repeat 5 times

Set 2
20 seconds lateral jumps (side to side jumps)
10 sec rest
20 sec jumping jacks
10 sec rest
repeat 4 mins

Set 3
20 sit ups
20 V- sits
Repeat 4 times

Day 6
10 push ups
10 jumping jacks
10 squat jumps
10 lunge jumps
repeat 5 times

Set 2
25 squats
20 alternating lunges
10 burpees
15 inch worm with pushups
repeat 3 times

Set 3
20 squat thrusts
50 bicycle crunch
20 tummy roll ups
repeat 3 times

Try to do these circuits with little or no rest . You can do the repitition as per your time and fitness level. beginners go slow.
Pls dont go by the order I have just marked the days but you can interchange as per your need. you can do them as many as 3 times a day or once and do some cardio later… Mix and match as you like.

Remember to warm up and cool down before and after the workouts. and pls do not finish your workout without stretching its very important to stretch afterwards .

All of these exercices have been done before so it should not pose any problems if you for get any I have put them up online pls take care of your form during the workouts.
Don’t Stress Have Fun:)
Happy Holidays!! God Bless!!