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picturing-proper-portion-sizes-01-pg-fullYou may be eating better, but are you eating less? If you’re not controlling portions, you could be sabotaging your weight-loss efforts. “Problem is, a serving size and portion sizes are not always the same thing,” explains Deborah Beauvais, RD, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “If a serving size is 3/4-cup and you’re actually eating 11/2 cups, you’re eating two servings.” But because no one wants to use measuring cups and scales for every little thing, the real trick to portion control is learning to eyeball portion sizes of common foods. Here, a handy guide to keep you on track.


Lean protein : A deck of cards

Lean protein can be key to weight loss because it leaves you feeling fuller longer, says Rachel Begun, RD, MS, a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals and a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. When eating chicken and fish, visualize 3 ounces of chicken as about the same size as a deck of cards and 3 ounces of fish as the size of a checkbook. Bake, broil, or grill your chicken or fish to keep it as lean as possible

Rice: A Cupcake Wrapper

Most dietary guidelines recommend that your diet include about 6 ounces of grains daily, Beauvais says. The best grains for weight loss and health are whole grains because they’re high in fiber and like protein, fiber helps you feel fuller longer. Whole grains, like brown rice, also provide a wealth of vitamins and minerals, Begun adds. The proper portion size for one serving of rice is 1/2-cup cooked, which is about the size of a cupcake wrapper.

Pasta: One Rounded Handful

There’s room for pasta in your weight-loss diet — the trick choosing whole-grain pasta to incorporate more fiber and nutrients while controlling portion sizes. For most people, a one-serving portion of cooked pasta is equal to a 1/2-cup, which is about a rounded handful. Another tip? When plating your pasta, divide your dinner plate into quarters — pasta should take up no more than a quarter of your plate.

Raw Fruit: A Light Bulb or Baseball

You should aim for a total of two cups of fresh fruit a day, Begun says, in order to meet the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s dietary recommendations, which say adults should consume five to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. One medium whole fruit is equal to a baseball. A half-cup of cut fresh fruit, berries, or grapes is about the size of a light bulb.

Vegetables: A Tennis Ball

The ball visual also works for raw or cooked vegetables. One serving of cooked veggies, such as carrots or broccoli, is a 1/2-cup, or about the size of a tennis ball. One serving of leafy greens is equal to one full cup, equal to a man’s fist, while the salad dressing you put on those greens should be equal to just 3/4 of a shot glass, Beauvais says. Aim for at least 21/2 cups of vegetables a day for a healthy weight-loss diet.

Baked Potato: A Woman’s Fist

You can certainly include a baked potato as part of a balanced diet. If you’re counting calories for weight loss, though, keep your potato small — about the size of a woman’s fist. “When possible, prepare potatoes with the skin intact,” Begun suggests. “Most of the fiber and many important nutrients reside in the skin.” Also, try herbs or spices rather than butter or sour cream as a topper.

Cheese: Four Dice or Two Dominos

Even if you’re following a weight-loss program, your diet should include some low-fat or no-fat dairy for the calcium, protein, and added vitamin D that it offers. If you want to chow down on some cheese, try low-fat or fat-free choices. For a 1-ounce portion size, visualize four dice or two dominos. If you opt for low-fat ice cream or yogurt, a 1/2-cup — about the size of a tennis ball — is the proper portion size.

Red Wine: A Teacup

Some studies show that red wine, in moderation, can help ward off a host of medical conditions, including some cancers and heart disease, as well as signs of aging. You need to keep it to one glass a day if you’re a woman, though, and no more than two glasses a day if you’re a man. And remember: A serving of wine is just 4 ounces. “A visual comparison for 4 ounces of wine is a teacup, a small juice glass, or the size of your fist,” Begun says.

Controlling Portion Sizes: Food Favorites

Some more visual aids to remember? The portion size for a pancake should be the size of a DVD. A bagel should be about the size of a hockey puck. One ounce of peanut butter is equal to half of a golf ball, and an ounce of chocolate is about the same size as a pack of dental floss.

Keep portion sizes in mind so that you can enjoy your favorite foods while sticking to your weight-loss plan!