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Practicing The Art Of Self Compassion.

Hi Today will be my last day at the gym before the holidays start though it’s for a short period but definitely will miss each and everyone of you. While I was pondering over what more I can say or do for my Dear Friends an idea popped into my head , why not tell you guys about a beautiful emotion called compassion not just for others but for yourself.

So today I am going to gift you the idea of practicisng the art of self love. Hope you will atleast give it a try.:)

One of best parts of my job is inspiring others to achieve a healthy lifestyle, not exactly following my path but to be able to forge their own paths so that they can embrace their own success.

As someone once said” Motivation is a gift we give ourselves, Inspiration is a gift we give to others”. So I hope I can inspire you to look beyond the outside and see the true beauty that lies within you.

All the time I am training women, I come across many who bring themselves down constantly bickering and critisizing themselves by making comments such as:

” I am still Fat”

“I Can’t seem to loose any weight”

” So and so said something nasty so now I will never be able to do anything”

“I feel fat and depressed”

“I cannot stop eating mindlessly”

” I just cant do this anymore”

Sadly the list could go on forever. For me as a mentor It’s the toughest to see any of my clients dissappointed like this . While I can help someone with their diet and exercise issues, but when it comes to helping one change the way they view themselves requires a much more different and delicate approach.

Why do we say or think such nasty demeaning things to ourselves when we would NEVER say such a thing to others.

The Art of Self Compassion is when we learn to treat ourselves with the same love and compassion we would have for others regardless of their faults or short comings.

So many of us have been taught to give to others even if it means sacrificing our own goals and dreams. If we don’t than world views us as selfish.

But the reality is, when we take time to care for our needs then we have so much more to give to others in our life. It’s so simple if you are happy and satisfied inside you will have more energy, vitality and love to spread around everywhere you go.

We must learn to forgive ourselves just like we forgive others who have wronged us. We must learn to embrace the challenges life throws at us and not treat them as failures on our part.

we must learn to take time out for ourselves whether it’s going for a walk, taking a nap or having a good cry. This allows you to recharge youself. We must learn to be kind to ourselves regardless of what the scale reads. If someone judges me by my looks that speaks more of that person than me.

We must learn to accept our own imperfections, none of us is perfect, we all  make mistakes but we must treat ourselves with respect and kindness. Always remember that you are a ‘Precious Being’, protect and love yourself always.

So my challenge to you at the end of this year is to begin the process of embracing who you are at this present moment , TODAY- not the person you were yesterday or you long to be tomorrow. But the person you at this very moment. When we love who we are, in all our faults and imperfections only then we are able to move forward and give ourselves the best gift of all – a beautiful mind and a healthy body.

Hope I was able to strike a chord somewhere inside with this article and really hope that you will begin to understand how everything outside really doesn’t matter whether you are fat or thin, weak or strong, average looking or dashing. What’s inside you, (your pure soul)  that matters the most so be compassionate and love yourself every possible way.

So enjoy your holidays spread the virus of love and kindness and healthy living whereever you go.. remember a gift of smile is the best you can ever gift anyone and your smile is the best gift you can gift youself:)))

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year In advance to each one of you reading this blog. May god give you the strenght and sensibility to overcome all the challenges you may have to face in this coming year.



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