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Well with the festive  and wedding season around the corner I know how difficult it gets to drag yourself to the gym esp after late nights out …. and knowing that you cannot but help eating out almost every other day really gets you thinking what am I doing ? And how do I keep myself from gaining the kilos back ?

Well below are few tips that you can actually keep in mind while enjoying your festivities … Yes , but a word of caution no matter how fool proof you think you are going there are going to be times when you will want to let your guard down and just have all the yummy dishes right in front of you and here is what I keep saying you need a lot of will power and also train your brain the art of aversion.

One way of doing is create a aversion of the foods you can’t resist( which are not good for you) . Create a negative mental imagery of the dish . Associate it with something gross or anything that works for you which will repel you when you think or see that particular dish. Trust me this will work but you will  have to do it sincerely as it has to reach your subconscious level.

Another tip is to fill yourself up with nutritious food before leaving your house for the evening . This way you will remain quite full for a longer period and when you actually eat you will stay more sensible as you won’t be all that hungry.

At the party try and fill your plate more with salads  and soups and other baked or roasted stuff other than curries and rice etc.. Make a healthy choice. Drink lots of H2O whenever and wherever you can.

One of my favorite ways of enjoying at a wedding or party is to dance away the night instead of sitting and hogging. You burn a lot of calories so you don’t need to worry too much about your intake as you won’t feel like eating much while dancing as it is.

Try to do 10-10 minutes routines whenever you can remember even a little bit goes a long way . Don’t ever procrastinate .

There you go it’s really not so complicated as it sounds all you need is to plan prior to your holidays or breaks . Only commit as much as you can keep don’t set unrealistic goals remember the 90/10 rule eat clean and healthy 90 % of the time rest 10% indulge all you want after all we are just humans 😉

Take care 🙂